The Office

A good office is key to keeping things ticking over. For the last three months, we’ve been camping out under trees and in toasty containers with fans.

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”26″ display=”pro_tile”]The office is actually exactly the same as our standard units we used it as a test bed to see what might go wrong or what we might want to change on our bigger rooms.

Overall it has turned out pretty well. The biggest frustration is probably the lack of a call booth in this version. We might be able to engineer one in with some plywood. TBC in December.

Office features

  • {Desks} Six to Eight workstations depending on how many people are there;
  • {Seats} Mix of swivel and fixed chairs;
  • {Climate} Air-conditioning that keeps it nice and workable;
  • {Bathroom} Normal bathroom with a shower;
  • {Other stuff} Water cooler with mini-fridge, Colour laser printer, B/w laser printer, laminator + lots of power sockets;

I know that temperature is one thing that people really care about. Mainly by accident, it has worked out that at the end of the office with the a/c fan it’s cooler than the end by the door. This means that if you’re like me and like it fridge like you can be at one end and other people who prefer a bit warmer can go the end closer to the door.


We have had quite a few requests for coworking from non-residents. For now we don’t know how many people will want to use the space so we’re only allowing residents. But drop us a WhatsApp message to check if you’re interested.

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