By our count Diani has no less than TEN kite schools with over 13km of white sandy beaches protected by a large reef it’s a perfect spot for cruising.
Despite the high number of kite schools from our experience the water doesn’t get too busy. In January we were riding 10/12m kites and mid-year you might be a size down depending on your weight/experience.
There’s a huge mix of schools up and down the beach with different vibes and set-ups. Almost all of them claim to be the best we’re here to help you make sense of that.
One of our favourite things about Diani is if there’s enough wind and you’re feeling adventurous you can downwind all the way from the top to the bottom!
In general, there are no restrictions on kiting anywhere on the beach but it’s recommended to avoid some of the busier public access areas which are generally closer to the middle of the beach i.e. Carrefour/Tradewinds road on weekends when the beach can get quite busy with non-kiters.
Wind seasons in Kenya
- KASKASI – (December – March) – Last season didn’t start until January
- KUZI – (June – September) – Generally slightly stronger
Kenya Kite Cup
Annual event that happens usually around the 3rd week of January that brings together the best kiters from up and down the coast and around the world.
2022 results
Kite schools
Starting from the top of the beach and working our way down to the southernmost kite school.
- Estuary Beach Loung, Kongo River
- Kenya Kite, Hotel Bahari
- Watersports, Diani Reef Hotel
- Kitemotion, Alibarbour Road
- Quest Kiteboarding, Diani Sea Lodge
- Kenya Kite Masters, Opposite Manyatta Bar
- H2O Extreme, Kenyaways beach hotel
- Diani Kite Club, Simba Oryx
- Kenya Kiteschool by Mvureni Beach Bar and Restaurant
- Reef Kite Boarding Centre, Coconut village beach
- Kitemotion, Soul Breeze
Estuary Beach Lounge, Kongo River
Probably the best spot for complete beginners thanks to its enclosed and shallow lagoon which is almost completely devoid of spikey urchins. An IKO centre, they have a good selection of kites and you can book lessons in advance.
Kenya Kite, Hotel Bahari
One of the only spots we haven’t yet visited in person and right next to Kongo river the location is a great spot for starting a downwind run or if you’re looking for somewhere at the quieter end of the beach.
Kite rental: 1 day €80, 10-hour card €250, 1 week €280 + €45 insurance
Watersports, Diani Reef Hotel
A revived kite school, locally run, the Diani Reef watersports are opening again in summer 2023. The spot is gorgeous and they have a promising set-up for the season. No pricing yet but we’ll get it when we can.
Kitemotion, Alibarbour Road
The first school south of Carrefour, Kitemotion are one of the schools in Diani that offer both kitesurfing, foiling and wind foiling. They’ve got a great spot on the beach by a hotel and also offer a very reasonably priced locker and launch service.
Lessons: 1h €60 (private), Beginner course €300-€330 depending on numbers
Kite rental: 1 day €70, 7 days €330
Locker: 1 week €50, 2 weeks €100
Quest Kiteboarding, Diani Sea Lodge
Based in Diani Sea lodge which is an all-in hotel Quest has a good selection of equipment, bookable lockers and a commendable beach team. They offer regular kiting foiling and lessons.
Lessons: Beginner courses from €120 – €360
Kite rental: 1h €40, 1 day €220, 1 week €350
Locker: €10/day
Kiteschool, Amigos Beach Bar
A locally run school by an IKO instructor. They offer lessons from around €25 as well as kit rental. It’s a super friendly spot to hang out from with good vibes.
Kenya Kite Masters, Opposite Manyatta Bar
A spot we haven’t been to in person and info is a little light on the ground. We’ll drop in there soon and update here.
Diani Watersports, Alliance Safari Beach
A spot we haven’t been to in person and info is a little light on the ground. We’ll drop in there soon and update here.
H2O Extreme, Kenyaways beach hotel
Another good spot with great vibes and really good food onsite, H2O extreme have a good rep. We’ve sampled the food here and kited past. They have kite rental, storage and a beach team to help you out. They are busy enough that if you want to get lessons or rent December/January that you have to book in advance.
Lessons: Full beginner course from €380
Kite rental: 1h €40, 1 day €100, 1 week €330
Storage: €5/day
Diani Kite Club, Simba Oryx
We haven’t visited this school yet but they offer kite rental, lessons and foil/wingkite lessons. With a full stock of Core kites and Crazyfly boards they should satisfy the needs of most kiters.
Lessons: Full beginner course from €340
Kite rental: 1 day €90, 7 days €420
Kenya Kiteschool by Mvureni Beach Bar and Restaurant
Website |
Another spot we haven’t visited.
Reef Kite Boarding Centre, Coconut village beach
Another spot we haven’t visited.
Kitemotion, Soul Breeze
One of the more popular spots Soul Breeze is a lovely place to chill, they run some live events as well as have a pretty active solo traveller community. Good spot to drop in if you’re on your own and kiting generally keeps going until the sun goes down.
Lessons: 1h €60 (private), Beginner course €300-€330 depending on numbers
Kite rental: 1 day €70, 7 days €330
Locker: 1 week €50, 2 weeks €100